Kaibyaku, Beginning 1997 (1×1m)
Kaibyaku” in Japanese means “the beginning of everything, since the beginning of history”.
I wanted to express the energy at the very moment when the heaven separated
from the earth, the moment when everything started.
This is placed as a monument at Okayama Central Hospital.
It plays an important role as it represents the source of life.
This is one of my most important works, as every time I look at it, it always reminds me
that this is the beginning.
This also brought me the Best Female Pottery Award, very prestigious award.
Drifting 1999 (1×1×0.5m)
Sometimes do you not feel that we, the human beings are just a flotsam in this universe
and life is nothing but drifting?
Look at the top part of the arch. It is a decayed ruin spread in a desert.
Things rise and fall. Everything exists in uncertainty.
The arch leans one way.
People think they stand firm. But in reality they may be falling on a slope but nevertheless
they are trying hard to hold on to it.But people have a hope.
Standing in front of the arch, they can look up the skies, where they can find their hope.
People are always after it.
This “Drifting” is the work that I tried to capture that kind of feeling.
Let There Be Light 2000 (2.8×10m)
This is installed at a public space in Okayama.It took four months
to complete it. I laid in a bold way blue skies with full of energy which you
would feelthat it might start moving at any minute, a square
sun and shining earth.
“Let There Be Light” is a biblical phrase. I created this work, wishing people
would live a happier life filled with light.
When this work was complete, I remember so well that I myself felt that my heart was filled with light.